Quelle: WSI
: Isue 03/2021
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 183-191
Weert Canzler, Andreas Knie
Mobility between Social Modernisation, Social Participation and Climate Change. An Introduction
The car has lost its outstanding socially integrative role and the privileges granted to the private car in transport policy and the tax benefits appear anachronistic. New political adjustments and innovative entrepreneurial plans are needed to meet the changed demand for physical mobility. The question is how to create a “modernisation pact” that understands the technological options as an opportunity. The alternative to the car is the “better car”: it is automatically driven, it no longer belongs to anyone, it is sustainable and it brings people together again. The scale of radicality of Automated Driving can be seen in the paradigm shift from “driving to being driven.” Why should people own a car, if in the future it will no longer navigate independently but will be controlled by algorithms and all desired transportation functions will be performed by “autonomous fleets”? Against this socio-political and technology-political background, a connection is drawn from the changes in the forms of life and work, to the formation of the actors in a new world of energy and transport and thus to the requirements for a proactive regulation of a platform-based mobility of the future. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 192-198
Gerlinde Vogl, Tanja Carstensen
Mobile Working before and since the Advent of the Coronavirus. Perspectives from the Sociology of Work
For many employees, mobile work is an everyday occurrence and a structuring element of their professional and private lives. The mobility requirements for employees are manifold, including increasingly longer commuting distances, being on the road at work, e. g. on business trips or working at different locations, and last but not least working both at home and on the road. This article summarises the research into mobile work in the sociology of work and also gives an overview of the development of mobile work and systematises its various forms. It focuses on the question of how mobility requirements affect the working conditions of employees and the implications that mobile work have for transport policy issues. Finally, insights are given into initial findings on the changes brought about by the coronavirus pandemic and possible future developments are discussed. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 199-206
Wolfgang Schroeder
From Closure to Opening: Changing Actor Constellations in the Energy and Transport Transition
In the energy and automotive industries, sectoral corporatist coordination processes have been functioning for many decades. For a long time, these arenas of sectoral self-organisation sealed themselves off from ecological requirements and were thus unable to initiate the energy and traffic turnaround at an early stage. It can be seen that the process in the energy industry took place earlier and more sustainably than in the automotive industry. It was only with the adoption of green positions by almost all political parties and changing international framework conditions – Chernobyl (1986), Paris climate protection agreement (2015), primacy of electromobility on the Chinese market, etc. – that a pragmatic ecological turnaround became the driver for the energy and traffic turnaround in Germany. The change in actor constellations that eventually led to the turnarounds in these fields is systematically unfolded in this article. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 207-215
Weert Canzler, Andreas Knie
The Dream of Private Happiness: The Car Industry as a Component of a Bygone Era
For decades, the private car has enjoyed a privileged position in society thanks to a car-friendly infrastructure and legal and fiscal advantages. But meanwhile there is simply too much of the same. It is not only the climate crisis that demands a comprehensive transformation of transport. The private car no longer stands for social participation and private happiness. More and more people in cities and outlying areas are finding the former joy of driving to be an annoying duty. Mobility in town and country today is seen as being more diverse than the fixation on the private car. However, the automotive industry, for long a success story, is now struggling to transform its old business model. Alone the changes made to the drive train massively disconcert the established routines of engineers. The introduction of new ways of using the car as shown on digital platforms or even the transition from fully automated vehicles to autonomous fleets will not – or cannot – be managed by the German automotive industry on its own. In order to preserve the technological competence and the important employment effects of the automotive industry, the impetus for change must come from outside. A historical look at the success story of the automobile shows that political regulation is the key. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 216-225
Lisa Ruhrort
From Public Transport to Multioptional Mobility? Elements of a Regulatory Framework for Digital Mobility Services in the Context of Sustainability Goals
By 2030 the German government has set itself the goal of reducing transport related CO2-emissions by 40 %. Scenario studies show that this necessitates a modal shift away from car traffic. As a possible strategy to achieve this, the article discusses the concept of a transition to a “multioptional” mobility system which combines individual and collective modes of transport. In this scenario, public transport will increasingly be combined with new mobility services. The article argues that the sustainability potential of this vision can only be realised if the regulatory framework of transport is fundamentally changed. Within the context of climate protection and digitalisation, municipalities will need to have new regulatory instruments to steer car traffic as well as new mobility services in the direction of sustainability. The article highlights key elements of such a regulatory framework using the examples of car traffic, new mobility services such as car, bike and scooter sharing as well as app-based passenger transport services. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 226-233
Julia Hildermeier, Andreas Jahn
Best Practices for Electric Vehicle Grid Integration in Europe
Regulation promoting the integration of electric vehicles into our power grids is the key to a successful transition to cleaner energy and transport. Of utmost importance are policies that encourage intelligent or “smart” EV charging in order to lower costs for consumers and expand the environmental benefits, such as integration of renewable energy sources. In this article, the authors review a number of policy opportunities forthcoming in Germany and at the European level. They recommend that policymakers support the expansion of charging stations for electric cars and prioritise planning approaches to establish a collaborative infrastructure. Ideally, this planning should take into account the demand for charging services, prioritise making grid capacity available and focus on delivering charging services at reasonable prices. In particular, it is important for regulators to redesign network tariffs to reduce costs for consumers and the electricity system as a whole. Time of use tariffs (TOUs) are the most promising option. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 234-240
Ingo Kollosche, Stephan Rammler, Dirk Thomas
The Impact of Digital Platforms on Public Transport . New Strategies for Shaping Mobility in the Digital World
New mobility services on the basis of digital platforms are increasingly forcing their way into the mobility market and reorganising it. In addition to the advantages for providers and users, these services also pose challenges ; in particular for public transport. In the context of the Mobility as a Service (MaaS) approach, mobility becomes a commodity and conflicts of distribution and needs arise. Two different logics collide: an economic logic of commercial providers meets the perspective that is oriented towards the common good and the provision of general services. For a successful implementation of digital mobility platforms in public transport, modified institutional regulations must be established. The advantages and disadvantages of digital mobility services are discussed against the background of the ecological, economic and political challenges of the transformation of mobility. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 241-245
Robert Follmer, Marc Schelewsky
Unfair Climate Assessment? An Analysis of the CO2 Footprints in Everyday Transport
The transport sector is the stepchild of the German CO2 carbon footprint. In times of non-coronavirus-related constrained transport demand, it is not only failing to meet its reduction targets, the gap is even growing. A closer look at the mobility-related CO2 footprints in everyday transport helps to understand the reasons for this and provides impulses for new action strategies to be developed in practice. Evaluations of the study "Mobility in Germany" show that this growth and the failure to meet climate targets in this sector are strongly dependent on prosperity and not all population groups are equally involved. Moreover, the perspective must be broadened beyond commuter traffic if effective strategies for reversing the trend are to be developed. Even the coronavirus crisis does not indicate any improvement in the situation. Although in the meantime it has led to an increase in the number of kilometers travelled by bicycle and also to a reduction in CO2 emissions due to the lower overall level of traffic, this is an interim development. In the medium term, the slow recovery of public transport and the simultaneous increase in car traffic are likely to make the situation more difficult rather than easier. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 246-248
Kai Bliesener, Ralph Obermauer
Mobility, Climate and Labour – Speeding Up the Transition
Our system of mobility and the automotive industry is under pressure to change rapidly. The climate crisis is accelerating dramatically and requires a fast transition and a clear and realistic assessment of top priorities. The debates on mobility alternatives to the automobile are important; from the expansion of public transport to the reorganisation of urban mobility. But there is also the question of how mobility needs to change in the face of the continuing worldwide demand for passenger cars and how this can be achieved with sustainable climate compatibility. The top priority is a shift towards low emission cars and trucks. more … (in German)
WSI-Mitteilungen 3/2021, pp. 249-251
Simone Peter
Climate-friendly Mobility Affordable for Everybody: System Change instead of Petty Modifications
Future mobility requires new concepts that go far beyond the shift to electric engines in cars and the strengthening of public transport. Mobility transition requires nothing less than a complete system change based on digital networking and modern mobility services, thus opening up new potentials for new mobility options beyond individual transport. This also enables a new quality of municipal planning with more space for all needs and wants of mobility, as well as integration into decentralised energy-supply solutions that enhance the attraction of electromobility and smart metres. As a large-scale participatory project, mobility and the energy transition could provide the necessary support and acceptance to accomplish the inevitable change. more … (in German)