Quelle: Torben Schwuchow
Torben Schwuchow: Right Wing Populism and the Struggle for Dignity at Work
The dissertation asks about the (moral) significance of a decent, secure and socially valued work for the voters of right wing populist parties.
The dissertation focuses on thesis that the rise of right-wing populist parties is strongly linked to the degradation of labor. In order to analyze the successes that right-wing populist parties achieve especially among workers the dissertation asks about the (moral) significance of a decent, secure and socially valued work for the voters of right wing populist parties.
The following questions are discussed in the project:
- Interpretations and theories of (right-wing) populism: How is (right-wing ) populism discussed in the social sciences? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these explanations?
- Dignity at work: How can the moral significance of a decent work be explained in terms of moral and social theory? What class differences exist with regard to the (moral) meaning of work? How is dignity and self-respect expressed at work? Who is affected by humiliations at work and which strategies do workers develop to defend their dignity at work? By drawing on ethnographic studies I develop a "working-with-dignity-index" to answer these questions. This index will be used in a quantitative survey to examine the correlation of voting behavior/political attitudes and the degradation of work
- New sociopolitical arrangements: Which sociopolitical arrangements can secure the dignity at work in the future? What opportunities do these arrangements offer to respond to the challenge of right-wing populism?
Torben Schwuchow
Born 1990; studied Political Science in Marburg, Frankfurt (Main) and Darmstadt. From 2018 to 2019 he was research assistant at the Department of Political Theory and History of Ideas at TU Darmstadt. From 2019 to 2020 he hold a scholarship by the Hans Böckler Foundation. Since summer 2020 he is a PhD student at the WSI.